Streamline your Operations: Eii’s Automation Solutions                                       

Ever feel overwhelmed by the ever-growing mountain of packages and mail your business handles?  You’re not alone.  Manually sorting and processing items can be time-consuming and error prone.  At Engineering Innovation, Inc., we understand your challenges.  That’s why we offer a range of innovative automation solutions designed to transform your operations, boost efficiency, and free up your team to focus on what matters most – growing your business.

Building Strong Relationships: More Than Just Products

Trade shows offer a fantastic opportunity to connect with potential customers face-to-face.  Our team takes pride in creating a welcoming and engaging environment at events like MODEX and ProMat. 

But beyond the fun and games (think racing sims and arcades!), we prioritize building relationships.  We want to understand your unique needs and challenges.  Our experienced staff will guide you through live demonstrations of our solutions, showcasing how they can address your specific pain points.

Adaptable Solutions for Every Business

One of the hallmarks of Eii’s automation systems is their versatility.  Whether you’re a small business or a mid-sized company, we offer adaptable and customizable solutions to fit your specific requirements and budget.  Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will work collaboratively with you, exploring all options to find the perfect fit –  even if it means recommending a competitor’s product if it better suits your needs.

A Smooth Transition to Automation

Many businesses are hesitant to take the leap towards automation, fearing complex installations and disruptions.  At Eii, we specialize in creating a smooth transition.  Our modular automation solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly into your existing workflows,  easing your team into a more efficient and automated future.

Eii: Your Trusted Partner in Automation

We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients.  Our commitment to exceptional customer service goes beyond the sale.  From the initial consultation to installation and beyond, our dedicated support team is here to answer your questions and ensure you get the most out of your Eii solution.

Ready to Take Control of Your Operations?

Contact Eii today to schedule a free consultation and learn how our automation solutions can help your business thrive!