Please join us in congratulating Don Caddy & the Engineering Innovation Inc. team who were awarded the Sue Foster Award during the NAPM 2021 Annual Conference. This year’s conference was held virtually February 16-25, 2021.

The Sue Foster Award was created by NAPM as its highest award of distinction, named in memory of Sue Foster who worked for the NAPM for many years.  Sue was the stalwart matriarch of the NAPM who often kept the Association functioning in the earlier years of its growing pains.  She demonstrated complete dedication, passion and commitment to the organization and its members.  She so loved the NAPM, she cared about and got to know most of the members personally, and often referred to the members as her “kids.” Sue had unparalleled loyalty and passion for the NAPM and her contributions to the organization helped make it what it is today.  In developing the Sue Foster Award, nominees should be individuals who have made significant contributions in support of the NAPM and should exemplify the dedication and loyalty to the association exhibited by Sue Foster.  

The NAPM Awards Committee and Board of Directors selected Don Caddy and Engineering Innovation Inc. (Eii) as the first Sue Foster award to be given to both an individual and a company, which was presented at the association’s Annual Conference. 

“Don is one of the most generous and considerate people I know and his dedication and commitment to the NAPM is often not visible to many,” said NAPM Executive Director Bob Galaher, “however, it is clearly demonstrated by the support he gives this organization.”  “Don and his team at Eii have provided tremendous support to NAPM – not only support of our Annual Conference – but IT and marketing support year-round,” he said. “Members of the Eii team, including Brandon Patton, Lora Patton, and Emily Ambrose, are key individuals that are instrumental in NAPM’s ability to hold successful events like our Annual Conference,” Galaher said.  “Simply put, the entire Eii team are a great bunch of people and Eii is an invaluable member of the NAPM,” he said.

Don Caddy serves as Director on the NAPM Board and is also NAPM Treasurer.  Don is the Chief Operating Officer of Engineering Innovation Inc. (Eii).  Don has more than twenty years of experience in the mailing industry, and is the driving force behind Engineering Innovation’s product planning and development and has overall responsibility for operations including production management, client relations, staffing, and coordination.   Engineering Innovation, Inc. (Eii) has established itself as a leader in the development of automated equipment for pre-sort mailing applications inside the likes of commercial mail houses and parcel-handling businesses. Eii offers automation and manifesting solutions for letters, flats, and parcels. They complement their great products by providing hardware and software service and support after the sale, designed to ensure their customer’s success.

For more information on the National Association of Presort Mailers visit

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