Beginning with the rate update for September 2014, the following classes of mail will require an 11-digit click instead of a 5-digit click.

  • Presorted First-Class Parcels
  • Priority Mail Commercial Base (No dim)
  • Priority Mail Commercial Plus (No dim)
  • Priority Mail Commercial Base
  • Priority Mail Commercial Plus
  • Parcel Select Nonpresort
  • Priority Mail Commercial Plus Cubic
  • Priority Mail Commercial Base Regional Box
  • Priority Mail Commercial Plus Regional Box
  • Machinable Parcel Select Lightweight
  • Irregular Parcel Select Lightweight


The following classes of mail will continue to use a 5-digit click until January 2015.

  • Nonbarcoded Nonpresorted Bound Printed Matter Parcels
  • Barcoded Nonpresorted Bound Printed Matter Parcels
  • Machinable Presorted Standard Mail Parcels
  • Machinable Presorted Nonprofit Standard Mail Parcels
  • Irregular Presorted Standard Mail Parcels
  • Irregular Presorted Nonprofit Standard Mail Parcels
  • Machinable Presorted Bound Printed Matter Parcels
  • Irregular Presorted Bound Printed Matter Parcels
  • Machinable Marketing Parcels
  • Nonprofit Machinable Marketing Parcels
  • Irregular Marketing Parcels
  • Nonprofit Irregular Marketing Parcels



For more information, please view the Tech Guide provided by the USPS.

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